From a labyrinth we at all costs seek to escape
Hence: existence is the opposite of a labyrinth
Now then, what is the opposite of a labyrinth?
When the first philosopher
Met the last wise man
What could they have told each other?
For then each spoke in a different key
One in major, the other in minor
Though the arrow never could
Cross space all the way to reach the target
Zeno figured out the way
To get across time
It is war
Not philosophy
That taught the young hoplite, Socrates:
“All I know is that I know nothing”
When the philosopher leaves the cave,
So disappointed is he, he crawls back inside it
Socrates wrote nothing
In reality he tried the exercise
But this time he was the object of irony:
Drawing laughter from one of his disciples,
Young Plato
Students of the Academy
Sometimes played hooky from school
To go and whisper sweet nothings
In the Garden of Epicure
In serenity
Emotion does not disappear
But finds peace:
Death is mourned as beautiful music,
No longer as a nightmare
The Stoic is not a rock but a tree, swaying in the wind
When serenity becomes
A soul’s fundamental tone
Now it is in it
That dawn arises
All think
So all wander
That’s why
Some need a method
Like old men need a crutch
Or children a pat on the back
In the best of all possible worlds
Can't exist a book advocating for God
Metaphysics and nihilism
Flow down the stream from the same source:
Why is there something rather than nothing?
Never went on a trip
Because he knew that space
Is nothing but an a priori form
Of sensibility
Ethics remains a kind of calculation
He suddenly had the intuition
Of the Eternal Return of the same
Then nothing was since ever the same again
Tenderness can also take the form of a library
Just a few light mists
Drifting down the surface of a soul
Is enough to hide the whole landscape of it
No ripples on this mountain lake
And yet, every moment,
A thousand possibilities
Just a kink in the language
And then a thought arises
The wandering being
Can’t run away, or get lost, or hide
For all this demands that at least
A direction prevails
As a child he rolled in the mud
Now in the mire
And soon will turn to dust
A curious way to search one’s way,
An original wandering:
That is all the philosopher can offer us
The nomad thinks he softens wandering
By going its way
A book: that quaint thing
That refutes the principle of energy conservation
For wisdom, erudition yearns
And runs through the history of philosophy
On such a promise
But the paintings collector is not a painter
If the same causes produce the same effects,
The slightest joke could be fatal
Buridan’s ass must be dead
Of hunger and thirst
At the very same time
That lone man playing dice on his own:
A determinist in a slumming mood
All flee from the talker
But from the grave his words still ring out
In a posthumous speech
Expanded with an afterword
The coward sometimes catches himself dreaming
Of an a priori life
The lazy man
He alone can derail
The chain of cause and effect
Anger tends to neologism
Anguish, to syllogism
And pride to soliloquy
The philosopher is an accomplished gymnast
His discipline: the side-step
If the first cause is the engine of
The prime mover
The last effect will be
A technical problem
The mortal fears the simple passage
From potentiality to actuality
An unmoved mover
This is also how Sisyphus
Would define a god
It is by courage
Not spirit
That disciple frees himself from master
Child plays in ruins
That the melancholic contemplates
The whole book of your existence is anonymous
At a meeting,
You probe the chasm that separates you
Then take a step forward
A meteor crosses my sky
“To desire is to persevere in one’s being”
Says the column of a ruined temple
That even gods have deserted
One kiss, and
The chain of cause and effect
Suddenly becomes entangled
Into events
Of twilight,
Will the night keep its promises?
Such is the concern of Eros
Scanning the shadows
With a smile she led him
From the Portico to the Garden
It's from a lost love
That we often learn
That non-being is not
The declaration
The smooth talker knows:
The way of logos leads to no heart
And speech is only an opportunity
To reveal white teeth
The object of desire: the supreme abstraction
Faceless, mute and devoid
Seducing even from behind
The solitary
No encounter in infinitely divisible space
The seducer
The unknown must be reduced to the known
The lazy man
How can this horizontal being
Become perpendicular?
The fetishist
The part is superior to the whole
By the grace of an ideal language
She became the subject of every verb
How lucky Buridan's donkey is!
Here you are again, suspended
Under the mischievous gaze of Eros
Between two unequal causes
The party
Always outside Eros
Takes far away with him
The meaning of any sanctuary
Of the beautiful perspectives
Offered to the seducer
He is above all looking for
Vanishing lines
A flutter of the eyelids
And you will rule a soul
That night,
She decided to fold
The map of Tendre
Sometimes Diogenes
Invited girls into his unstable barrel
And together they travelled
With only his moving force
The categorical imperative?
A speciality in those days,
In the brothels of Königsberg
To the beloved, he inquires
About love itself
And she answers
With examples
The owl of Minerva, the one who
Does not take flight until nightfall,
Sometimes hears strange noises
In the thickets
The rational is real
And the real is rational
Except in the evening
In the thickets
So the old owl, disturbed in his thoughts
Fled with all his wings
This irruption of the singularity
Into the universal
He wanted a monopoly on a heart
And disappointed monomaniac,
Ended up in long monologues
In love, the supreme science is hermeneutics
From oasis to oasis,
The nomadic heart
Crosses its own desert
Frees the effect from the cause
And lets things
Fly here and there
In a haphazard way
In the night of myth,
The poetic animal
Stalks here and there
In search of an ideal language
Under an olive tree
In the company of chirpy old folks
That’s where you’ll find
The philosopher’s stone
Old Ocean
Gives a lesson in scepticism
Reminding the tossing ship
That every argument is opposed by an equal one
Perhaps you are already only a souvenir
In Homer’s prodigious memory
Which he summons at leisure
For some sort of denouement
The pages of an open book
Twirl in the wind
The breeze spoils the end of the story
To the attentive cosmos
And a bewildered cricket
In the old days men scanned the firmament
Consulted the farthest to find their near path
Thinking that space itself gave solutions to wandering
And the cosmos answered
With a few odd shapes
You will not rise from your ashes
But can make
A fine bonfire
By the same author
Axiology 4.0
Philosophy of values (academic version)
The 23th July 2012
Philosophy of values (poetic version)
The 30th december 2022